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Sally Morgan threatens libel

I am currently at Beyond The Veil, at which claims of being able to communicate with dead are being subjected to critical scrutiny. I just noticed that Jack of Kent reports...

Sally Morgan, the stage "psychic", is bringing a libel claim.

This was announced on Friday by Atkins Thomson, a London law firm experienced in media law matters. Given this experience, one must presume that her decision to bring a claim has not been made lightly, and that she is fully aware the reputational damage that can result from a misconceived libel claim.

The lawyers' statement is not very informative:

"Sally Morgan instructs Atkins Thomson to commence libel action in relation [to] various articles in the press."

Indeed, so vague is this statement one would perhaps need their client's uncanny abilities to know what it actually means.

First of all, it does not say that any claim has actually been issued. It does not even say that any formal "letters before action" have been sent. We could even still be at preliminary stage, without there having been any correspondence yet at all.

Second, it does not say who the defendants will be. Will Morgan be suing just one media organization? Or many? Will she even adopt the illiberal tactic of threatening the individual journalists? (This was the approach followed by the now discredited British Chiropractic Association in their claim against Simon Singh.)

And, third, it does not state what the supposed libels are. Morgan makes considerable amounts of money out of her audiences believing that she talks with dead people. However, it cannot be defamatory to say that Morgan does no such thing.

"Sally Morgan, the stage "psychic", is bringing a libel claim. This was announced on Friday by Atkins Thomson, a London law firm experienced in media law matters. Given this experience, one must presume that her decision to bring a claim has not been made lightly, and that she is fully aware the reputational damage that can result from a misconceived libel claim. The lawyers' statement is not very informative: "Sally Morgan instructs Atkins Thomson to commence libel action in relation [to] various articles in the press." Indeed, so vague is this statement one would perhaps need their client's uncanny abilities to know what it actually means. First of all, it does not say that any claim has actually been issued. It does not even say that any formal "letters before action" have been sent. We could even still be at preliminary stage, without there having been any correspondence yet at all. Second, it does not say who the defendants will be. Will Morgan be suing just one media organization? Or many? Will she even adopt the illiberal tactic of threatening the individual journalists? (This was the approach followed by the now discredited British Chiropractic Association in their claim against Simon Singh.) And, third, it does not state what the supposed libels are. Morgan makes considerable amounts of money out of her audiences believing that she talks with dead people. However, it cannot be defamatory to say that Morgan does no such thing.

Continues at I cannot make an active link for some reason...


I hope that in the event that the libel suit goes forth, that you direct your attorney to provide a vicious defense, demonstrating her to be the imbecile she is!

I am looking forward to an intellectual bloodfest akin to the the gladiators, although she will be without a weapon, or with a very blunt one, her intellect!
Unknown said…
Hello Mr Stephen Law,
Your 1st, 2nd and 3rd thinking really great for a attorney.
Anybody can take some help from attorney cleveland tn in Tn area.
Giford said…
Would this be the 'libel' that was referred to recently in Fortean Times?
Richard Baron said…
1. Sally Morgan is a competent psychic (assumption).

2. She is undertaking an action for libel (reported fact).

3. She would not undertake an action for libel if she foresaw that she would lose. That would be stupid.

4. She can foresee the outcome of the proposed libel action (follows from 1).

5. She is going to win (follows from 2., 3. and 4.).

6. She will only win if allegations that she is not a competent psychic are false (follows from the fact that justification is a defence).

7. She is a competent psychic (follows from 5. and 6.).

8. The assumption in 1. is correct (follows from 7.).
Bernard Hurley said…
What's all the fuss about Sally talking to dead people. Anyone can talk to dead people it's just that the conversation is a bit one sided.
SteelMagnolia said…
The British drachonian libel laws are chilling, the law places the burden on the defendant.

The same way the McCanns were able to build a million pound fund without a shred of evidence of an abduction ! their lawyers Carter Ruck aware no one can prove it did not happen keeps the money rolling into the fund.
SteelMagnolia said…
Grief I have only just realized that it was Sally Morgan who put the notion into the head of Princess Diana about a car crash. Diana at this point in her life was an emotional wreck. Sally Morgan may just have pushed her over the edge with her meddling and thrirst for fame and fortune.

Sadly nothing can be proven

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