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Universal Church of the Kingdom of God coming through your letter box soon

I just got a newspaper though my front door (in Oxford) called City News, with a red top and front page splash about benefit cheats and scroungers. As you read through it, it starts to dawn on you that this might not be a free newspaper, but an advert of some sort.

It reads just like a paper. But there are references to something called UCKG, and how it has helped people out of welfare dependency, saving the Government millions. On the back page there's a full page spread promoting events round the country, at centres around the country, of the UCKG.

The UCKG is the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God.

The UCKG has been linked with charges of fraud, tax evasion, extracting money from the poor and directing it to church leaders, money laundering, child demonic-possession cases, and the appalling death of Victoria Climbie (see the wiki page on the church for details).

The UCKG is a focus of cult watcher Rick Ross. Go here for a long list of worrying reports.

There have also been charges of whipping up hatred against Catholics, and even pretending to be the Catholic Church.

If I had a scanner, I'd scan in a few pages of the newspaper so you could take a look....

STOP PRESS. I just found this video below. Note the references to curing cancer and creating wealth through prayer.

It's a different version of the paper to the one I got. The following video is kind of interesting. The Brazilian founder of the church appears part way though explaining to his followers how to con people out of their money, "Either you give or you go to hell!".

POSTSCRIPT. INCIDENTALLY... the UCKG has charitable status in the UK. The Charity Commission said, after their investigation of UCKG in 2003 (following the Victoria Climbie affair - Victoria was taken to the UCKG by her aunt Kouao, where she was seen by Pastor Lima. The Public Inquiry report said: "Pastor Lima expressed the view that Victoria was possessed by an evil spirit and advised Kouao to bring Victoria back to the church a week later." Victoria was tortured to death by her aunt and her boyfriend within a week), that it found no evidence that the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God claimed to be able to heal individuals or purge them of demons. Rick Ross's cult watch website says that on the same day the CC reported: "Despite the charity regulator's ruling the churches' website was today advertising "strong prayer to destroy witchcraft, demon-possession" - an apparent reference to exorcism."


Bernard Hurley said…
The UCKG appears to have a "youth wing" called the "Victory Youth Group"

There are links to the UCKG from its facebook page and from its main web site. It has meetings advertised all over the country. The VYG is hosting an event called "Where U going?" in London on 19th November: at the Rainbow Theatre in Finsbury Park

This looks like a major recruiting drive by the organization.
Anonymous said…
You poor man. The video doesn't even have sound!! Maybe you should go to the UCKG yourself and see for yourself.
Anonymous said…
Although there are some good people in uckg, it is completely dangerous! I have seen them, joined them and therefore I can have an opinion about them. Their biggest 'poison' is that they associate God with material prosperity, this means instead of preaching the word of God, which is salvation of people's soul through the example of Jesus Christ (for those that they believe); they advertise faith as a means of economic success. Why people join? Because they need to hear the word of God, because they need peace in their heart. In a very smart way people become enslaved to uckg, which is a cynical business of making money without any variable costs. Good things can happen to people there as they can happen anywhere in the world because faith is faith and god is spirit anywhere and everywhere, but uckg advertises 'miracles' to get more cash. I am convinced after my personal experience, that they are consciously or unconsciously mislead as they see God as a business partner to their dreams (this is why they give tithe) to get back more than that into good luck and favour. Therefore, they are doing business with God and they believe in God, because he is powerful as creator of the world (therefore beneficial to them) not because God is love through the example of his Son Jesus Christ! Watch out all of you that they are dealing with them; for your own benefit
Anonymous said…
They are a really dangerous and money scraping church. As well the Friday evening deliverance is more dangerous than helpful. They claim they laying hands on you with powerful prayers but some shaking your heads around.

I have been there as I had money problems but afterward I had more problems than before. I have given all my money as I was so desperate to get a better life and help. All what the bishops always asked when you told them your problems ,Give more money,.
They are selfish and thinking only about themselves and money, money. They claim you getting after a blessing but its not true. You just get rid of your money.They call it a church but its a money grabbing organisation who takes advantage of the people who are in desperate bad poor situations. (Edir Macedo reminds me on Madoff) I can only warn everyone to go to UCKG. Another lie from them is everyone comes to London, UK for a new life. Its not true. Its another story how they make money out of poeople. By the way Jesus already sacrificed his life for us on the cross. So we don't have do sacrifice with all our fortune and big amount of money to UCKG to get a better life. Its another lie and money making scrap from UCKG how they get twice a year big money out of people with their sacrifices for themselves somewhere on a mountain in either Israel or Egypt. You always get told the bigger the amount you give the bigger the blessings, give a special amount. Thats how they trick and con you.

I just warn people not to get involved in this church or even to go their church. I should have listen to others before but paid my price for it. They really brainwash people with wrong false promises and just taking peoples money. Its unfortunately a sad fact. They are some of these false prophets in the last days -see in Revelation (Bible).
Anonymous said…
"Either you give or you go to hell!".
Don’t rush me… I’m thinking about it.
Sounds like an ideal candidate for an interweb petition intervention. For auditing accounts, with a view to revoking charitable status. That’s sort of how they sorted out Capone.
Anonymous said…
how come poeple deseve like dis. dont trust dem pastors bishopp i hurd they take dem poeple to curse dem poeple in the hchurch o my god the pastors gonna go to hell be creful cuz u dont wanna go to hell with dem be careful plez. just pray to god read dem words careful i read their hair go to dem muntins to curse u so u come back to dem more. pray to the saviour christ peace.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
I was in the uckg and its a confusing movement and so that means a dangerous movement there are good people but I think their all decieved and trapped by the people at the top. its like a ponzi scheme with a lot of money and power they target people that dont have too much education, people with family health and financial problems and they tell them that God will take care of there problems if they give all their money to the alter. its not true its a shame because a lot of people are caught up in a scam and they cant get out. they use everything to control unsespecting people they write books about themselves and have blogs to glorify themselves. theres a blog from cristiane cardoso and facebook and twitter the husband the father the mother its all a clever way to bring more people and decieve people. i was reading a blog and they only care about themselves and they think their higher on a pedestal then other people. when these people put themselves on this idolatry pedestel their not putting God as the top they put themselves at the top. they have this building in brazil thats costing millions and millions wheres the money coming from- its from the poor people that give up everything they have to make the dreams of these people come true. their what i call narcisistic and they can never have enough. they only care about their own circle and if people dont comment on their blog they get upset but if you give your opinion then your critizing them. this cult business is the best out there because they found ways to maniuplate people take and run with their money. God help us.
Stephen Law said…
Thanks for that anon. Will check those links...
Anonymous said…
why dont the governemt investage the one in Australia. I been to their masses and they say (We change your life for better), which is rubbish, life is still the same. Without you give money, we cannot pay the rent, plus they say if you give us $10 or $20, you can get this book. It does not sound like a church but siund likea scam, try to get money out of eple whch are not rich. Why dont they try to have church in the rich area instead going to a poor area. I wish there was no church like this one in my country
Unknown said…
Thanks for exposing the uckg and for using my ytube videos. I've just uploaded a new one with the text of a letter of protest I sent to Tesco's customer service email address. The cult is begging, unidentified, INSIDE Tottenham's Tesco superstore. They're begging at the checkouts with their buckets. It's absolutely disgusting and scary! Please watch the vid and write letters to Tesco to. They haven't bothered to reply to my overexcited letter but perhaps if you guys could write more eloquent and persuasive letters they would sack the manager who is "working" with the cult victims.
Anonymous said…
This was handed out in UCKG church at Liverpool Australia
Rockefellers Testimony
The U.S.first billionaire said once in an interview,
Yes, I tithe, and I would like to tell you how it all came about, I had to begin work ad a small boy to help support my mother. My first wages amounted to $1.50 per week. The first week after I went to work, I took the $1.50 home to my mother and she held the money in her lap and explained to me that she would be happy if I would give a tenth of it to the Lord.
I did, and from that week until this day I have tithed every dollar God has entrusted to me. And I say, if I had not tithed the first dollar I made I would not have tithed the first million dollars I made. Tell your readers to train the children to tithe, and they will grow up to be faithhful stewards of the Lord.
John D, Rockerfeller, Snr

He began tithing even as a child, and became one of the richest men in the history of mankind through the business of petroleum. He came from a poor family and an absent father. But his mother taught him to put down a root of faithfulness, which still today brings prosperity to the Rockefeller family (his fortune when he died in 1937 was US$760 billion, adjusted to today's rates. This is more than 12 times the wealth of Bill Gates).
Being faithful upon littlei s a test of character. Before giving much to someone, you test that person's character by observing how he or she behaves when in charge of little.
Just as God gave oil to Rockefeller, He want to give sources of wealth to His children There are many treasures yet to discovered, millionaire ideas, opportunities... Of course, God is hoping find faithful and diligent servants whom He can give them to, before they fall into other hands...

I wish the UCKG get their facts correct, instead of brainwashing people minds.
I thought that he gave his first pay to a homeless person. He gave away money to people who needs it, not to the church, or tithe tenth per of his pay
Anonymous said…
Can someone me if all the pastors comes from the same country as the founder of the UCKG. Do they use witch craft to get people into their church. They dont believe in other religion, only their religion and their church, which is only the true church
Anonymous said…
I to know where does the money go for these campaign. They say they take it oversea and burn it to give it to the lord on behalf of his people. I know of one people who gave all her money to these so call campaign but had no money to feed her children that forthnight. They would not burn the money, the governemt would not allow the money to be taken out of the country so ask yourself where would it go, into the church account or to the founder of the church bank account. It does not go to the poor or the people who needs it. If they were so rich why have they brought their building instead of renting it.
Did god say that his chosen people will built his church( (the UCKG ate not his chosen people) The founder of the UCKG said that you can go into the temple which he is building free, dont be surprise if you have to pay to see what it looks like inside (nothing for free these day). Listern to heart, believe in yourself and look around you, you know god is there, not in building (if you believe, things good will happen to you)
Anonymous said…
How can you destroy a powerful church/cult. Its founder always get away with murder and they always cover up their mistakes or blamed others. People have tried but have failed, its time to take action. I have lose my brother to these people and never get him back. He never have any money because he ways give to the church. He would never step into a church that has pictures of christ etc or a cross with jesus on. The uckg only got a blank cross and the candle sticks wihich the jewish church have. Which reglion do they practice, the jewish reglion or christian reglion,
Anonymous said…
People who believe this is a myth, wake up to yourself before its to late.The founder of uckg was jailed for fraud, laundry money, drug trafficing. He had connection with the mafia which makes him a very dangerous man. The bishop and pastor only comes from Brazil and Portugal, which practice witch craft anf other evil practices
Anonymous said…
I totally agree to the last comments made, the UCKG (IURD, Living Faith, Universal Ark, Succeed in Life Centre) is a money making scheme and not a church, they will go to great lengths to make money from their members, even accepting money from prostitutes to construct their temple, in this video you will see Bishop Gaurecy from the church in Brazil accepting donations from a prostitute who pledges to sleep with men for a week in order to make the donation.
Anonymous said…
My 17 year old brother has joined this church and now I'm really worried about him. He doesn't watch tv, he sleeps on the floor, gets up at 3am and 6am to pray and, is there almost 7 days a week! He even goes to "men's" meetings and a night vigil from 10pm till 3am having to travel home alone. This is surely wrong?. How can I help him see this?I've tried asking him to .explain his beliefs but he can't.
Anonymous said…
Please people do not ever attend this evil cult.They destroy people's lives. They destroying my family at the moment but by God's Grace we can still be saved. They devil brainwashing organization. God save us.
Anonymous said…
Evil brainwashing cult. They are money making scheme. They thrive on people's misery. Be careful people do not let them to enslave you.
Agatha. said…
First of all I will not be anonymous my name is Agatha, I have been reading all the comments above, I will be brave to say my name because I am a member of UCKG where I found a living God.
To correct all of you, I have been with UCKG for 14 years now, 1. The pastors of UCKG are not only from Brazil but all over the world, fom deferent nations.2. No one is forced to give money in UCKG, o one is forced to tithe by the pastors but if you read your bibles very well not upside down like you do now, you would know the law of the tithe.
3. I know that my comment will annoy many of you, but to tell you the truth, even Jesus the Son of God, the people said he it crusting out demons for He is the king of demons.
4. I am not standing up for UCKG but for the living God I found there, who healed me 14 years ago when I was sick, poor and homeless.
5. Lastly may God bless you all and pray that one day your eyes may be opened. For only those who have ears hears the voice of God, and I believe that one day our eyes would see. God bless
Anonymous said…
I have just finish reading all the comments indeed it is true I start going to the UCKG church from this month on the 22 an the I was amazed by the way these deceiving the minds of the Poor people...They r telling u to make a sacrifice an give all your money....I do believe that U should pay a tithe but only on a monthly basis.....why do u they need money every single moment....Its not right Its a ponzi scheme...I know this because I have only went to this church 2 times an its a good thing that I reach this blogger...Atleast now that I have scene an heard an listen I thank god for letting me see this...these r really the last days "they r false prophets doing the works of the devil" I write straight so that people will see an an try to avoid denominations...Peace be upon everyone In Jesus name .....
Anonymous said…
It is amazing how this cult deceives people into giving money! it's worse than a ponzi scheme, i never seen anything like it. what really annoys me is that they not only rob from their church goes but from the public as well. They come out every christmas period wearing a hi-vis top and carrying a bucket begging for money. They no longer have a logo on their tops so they deceive people as more people are finding out the truth about their cult and this period they are instructed to wear black and white so that they can beg inside shops looking like staff members to deceive the public into giving money to a legitimate public...!

God Have mercy!
Unknown said…
you low life jerk why on earth would you say this what do you do with your life stupid.
Anonymous said…
do good and stick to the bible.
Anonymous said…
People who do not know the ins and the outs of the church behave the way you guys do and say all the nonsense you said. If you do not want to take out tithe or sacrifice,a gun is not pointed at your head to. Pastors are from all over the world. Uckg is one of a kind church, it is being critized and done all that because it is a church of God. Jesus was in this world they denied him, swear at him and called him names, worst part even crucified him. Only later to realize that indeed he was the Son of God. Why did i make this example concerning Jesus it's because Uckg gives life to those who are in need of it, those who truly believe in God and we do not worship men or statues like some of you do. So here what is worse worshiping idols or surrendering your life to God. One more thing the more you hate and discriminate Uckg the more it grows. So deal with it, it ain't going nowhere, you will even die and leave it behind. God loves all of us equal so be Blessed and forever worship only him not anything else.

Proudly Uckg Member!
Anonymous said…
the commenter that is 3rd from last.
you will burn in hell because you just gave false testimony about Uckg. The logos are still there and they do not berg for anything, anyway i don't blame you i blame the one that is using you because you do not know what you doing nor saying. They say you do not get hated for nothing, if you got haters it is because you doing something very great that those people do not have and wish to have. That is the same thing with Uckg but the difference here is if you want to be one of us, come and join us Mon-Sun...our arms are always opened just as of our Lord Jesus Christ is the Lord.
Anonymous said…
that's what I love about Edir Macedo's slaves, Looool. who told you I will burn in hell? Did God tell you that??the fact is Edir Macedo controls your mind, mine is free!
Anonymous said…
im such an idiot to relise i saw this i made a huge mistake i got bapisted with them now look what happen now my dad found out im shocked this is happen i warned people
Anonymous said…
Amen ,why do people talk bad about what they do not understand
Jissel said…
The reason you have posted this blog with all due respect is because you are spiritually blind. The word of God says that those that are of the flesh think about things of the flesh and cannot understand spiritual things so you are correct to think about the going ons of the UCKG with logical unspiritual eyes. When Jesus roamed the earth and cured, forgave and did everything in the contrary of the law of his time he was ridiculed, called a demon and rejected by his own people. He said the same would happen to those that accepted him and followed his path, the same happened to his disciples and the same is happening to us today. Being healed of cancer, being restored fully is absolute insanity to you because your eyes are still covered. The definition of faith is complete certainty of what we cannot see. The reason you cannot see is because you lack that faith that thousand, hundreds and possibly million individuals of the UCKG or not have. I dont blame you, I used to feel the same exact way until God opened my eyes (like John who murdered hundreds of innocent christians in the past). I am also not going to waste my time arguing about what I believe and tell you that you are wrong and I am right because it would be a waste of time. Logically speaking (because this is the only way I will be able to connect with you) It doesnt matter what the person believes in and what church they attend. Your humanity should tell you that seeing another individual who was an addict, a prostitute, a homeless person or a sick person destined to die has been cured and restored and is now happy and blessed...I would think (and this is just my thinking) that you would want to see more of this in the world. But no, gambling is ok, drinking, smoking, injustices all around the world have been ignored and more time is spent speaking against and prying down the spirits of people who are trying their hardest to get away from the pain. Now (speaking spiritually) Jesus is the way and those that consider the bible the mouth of God will turn away at all costs. Even if it means the world and everything in its turns their back on you. May God bless you and open your eyes one day to the truth so that your salvation may be secured in Jesus name.
Unknown said…

I have gone through your blog "Universal Church of the Kingdom of God" this is such a good topic. I really enjoyed a lot and the blog is really very interesting.

The Kingdom Of God
Anonymous said…
in reply to Jissel i was a member of uckg and of course non members do care about injustice and homeless people etc. why do you assume we are uncaring? the issue we have is that 1. tithing and prosperity theology are unBiblical (google "tithing unbiblical" and read an article by a man named Ray. then google "prosperity theology" and hundreds of articles ow you how you havnt been reading your Bible! you said John killed hundreds of Christians - that was Saul before he became Paul! if you actually read the Bible you would test what uckg false prophets say and see it is lies. the uckg is a business run for profit. In the Bible it explains that false prophets are able to do miracles but still be false. uckg has a lot of political power in brazil where it has stood in elections. but do they campaign for an nhs? do they campaign for affordable housing or a higher minimum wage? surely all these things help the poor? no! uckg campaigns or a "theocratic state" with a tiny government, low taxes and low regulation for big business, and against abortion and gay people. the Bible does not condemn abortion, it was only from the 1970s that Christians took it up as an issue. and if you google "gay christian 101" you will see the Bible does not condemn lgbt people. but the uckg leaders want money and power and when they get power they will not be a force for good. a UN report on religious ntolerance in 2009 criticised uckg in brazil because it was "demonizing" every single other religion in the country. unlike Jesus who healed people of other faiths and cultures, the uckg is intolerant and bigoted. Churches are being stormed and people attacked. Jesus said "by their fruits ye shall know them". O believe Jesus is Lord and yes He can heal if it is His will. but neither wealth nor healing are guarantee and you cant bribe God. it is a blasphemous insult to say that you can buy favours from God. worse still the brazilian temple of solomen, you wouls see, if you read your Bible, is prophesised in matthew 24:15. it is the abombination of desolation..the jewish temple "where it ought not to be" brazil is the wrong place it was originally in Jesus stated if you read your Bible that He desires mercy not sacrifice and our bodies are the temple for His new covenant another reason edirs temple is where it ought not to be. and f u read the passage i n Bible it says this abombination is where the anti Christ will preach and fool millions and lead them to hell just as u r eing led to hell by false prophets. then u will t be able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast..and if u read ur Bible u will know the truth and wat u need to do to repent of ur idolatry..worshipping money..and be saved.
Anonymous said…
there is no perfect church period nowhere to be found. there is bad and good people wherever you go and their all mixed up in all the demominations. somebody i know is in this church and he don't think there is a good spirit there. he said its like this - like me me and more me, what can I get for me that kind of attitude. when you hear a lot of church are popping up all over the place, you think its good you hope its good but you don't know what they teach to people even if God called them to preach. only God know about that stuff and whats really going on. like i said hes in the church there because there is no perfect church nowhere. so you go pray to the holy spirit because your sincere and then you cant forget to pray for everybody in the church - give the offering that the holy spirit told you - talk to people and say hello then go about your business. don't get too involved in no church nowhere because you don't know what is going on inside somebodys heart the mind the soul of nobody. don't get dragged down by nobody and go to hell because their high up on the food chain. stay close to God Jesus and the Spirit for your salvation so they accept you in heaven.
Anonymous said…
they are church all over with the good and the bad..also giving you the wrong information about god.. you have to search and pray for answers and be patient with god..some of them are in it for the money. there are people out there who want mircales now..and they unfortunately pay the price. it is not that they dont see what is goin on but they let it by pass them waiting hoping and paying for that mircale
Anonymous said…
i agree with that person that write on april 22, 2015. theres a lot of information about God and its not true at all so the people that listen can be confused and doing things thats not right for God. whats gonna ahappen to all those poeple. its even worse whats gonna happen to all those leeders misleading the poeple? thats why everybody need the Spirit so you can get dissernment. when you got that, you hear something and check with the Spirit and if He say no then you reject that information. if you hear something that dont make sense in your mind then it dont make sense - thats the conviction from God. He dont like confusion, God is not God of confusion and mess. get it? they say they got no condition, the Spirit tell them to move somewhare, to me its like they do the paperwork and then they said the Spirit tell them to do something. people gotta understand about sychology of the mind and if you dont have understanding and dissernment from the Spirit, then you do everything they say and belive everything they do. no, you gotta open your eyes- better yet the Spirit will open your eyes and show whats right and wrong. they put up a ton of pics and if your not disserned, you worshiping them and not God. when you put up verses from the bible on- you dont gotta put up your pic so everybody can see you, you gotta let the verses stand up by itself cause its Gods words. you got young minds and they dont get it- so they end up worshiping you in that pic cause everybody is visual right? its called narcisim when you want everybody to worship you to see you all the time so you can get a lot of attention and likes. like i said let the Spirit leed you, to give you dissernment so you can have salvation to go into heaven. dont let nobody fool you because they look good or talk a good game. stay close to God always.
John said…
I went to the UCKG services a few times and noticed so many Bed Bugs on the chairs, i hope no one git bitten...
johnson peter said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said…
my father has been there today :-( he got told it was for a charity for a little girl very ill he travelled from the west midlands to london to be told no it was for a wedding the company put the car on for free and the fuel the driver unpaid how can they lie like this vile low life people
Unknown said…
This dangerous cult has recently been accused of child trafficking in Portugal. Can any of you help exposed this here in the UK? Below is the link of a seven months investigation which prove these people are really dangerous criminals.
Anonymous said…
Please stop this is my church. I am 16 and i go by myself.. I was a mess before, so many things was happening in my life i started coming to the UCKG when i was 13 (i had no friends and family) and i joined the VYG (victory youth group) my home is now happy and i have no friends everyone in the church is like my family and it is NOT a cult! We are still friends with people that has decided to leave the church... They don’t beg for money EVERY SINGLE CHURCH asks for offerings .. instead of talking about the UCKG why do you talk about the catholic priest and how the abuse and rape children?

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