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An invitation to meet Mr Adnan Oktar (aka Harun Yahya, aka Adnan Hoca) - "future ruler of the entire world"?

I was recently invited to fly to IstaNbul to interview Mr Adnan Oktar, also known as Harun Yahya, a Muslim who has published very many books challenging evolution, including, of course, his lavishly illustrated and produced Atlas of Creation, provided free to thousands of schools around the world.

I received a phone call from Mr Oktar's representative, Seda Aral, correcting "minsinformation" about Oktar, and explaining why his successful attempt to shut down Richard Dawkins website in Turkey was entirely justified. Oktar styles himself a defender of freedom of speech, and insists he was defamed.

Actually Oktar also attempted to get e.g. The God Delusion banned in Turkey, despite the fact that it says nothing about Oktar.

Dawkins explains why Oktar is a world-class nincompoop here. It's hilarious.

Despite the offer of an all-expenses-paid trip to Turkey as the guest of Mr Oktar, I'm not going.

It seems many others have received such offers, such as this writer for New Humanist (scroll down and you'll see one of the comments is from "Nathan" who also received an invitation). Oktar's budget for self-promotion seems to have no limits - as Dawkins points out, OUP estimated the cost of producing his Atlas at half a million quid. Where's the money coming from (there's a clue below)?

Why aren't I going? I am not nearly as well-known as Dawkins, of course, so I don't much mind appearing at low-key events such as this one in London, because I don't think I am providing much "oxygen of publicity", and may succeed in casting a few doubts into the minds of the audience.

However, Oktar is different - he's powerful and, I suspect, dangerous, and I wouldn't feel comfortable taking his money. The Dawkins episode is nothing compared to some of the other stuff it seems Oktar has got up to. He stands convicted by a Turkish court and faces a three year prison term. Oktar is appealing against the conviction. While this conviction has been reported in the West (see Reuters), the sheer scale of the various allegations being made against Oktar (in court and out) has not yet received much attention over here. To date, it's only the Dawkins website ban that's attracted interest.

For example, there have been some very serious allegations about cult activity:


Oktar insists he is simply the victim of conspiracy.

Oktar, also known as Adnan Hoca, was arrested after "Operation Adnan Hoca" which involved 2,000 Turkish police officers, according to this quite amazing story from the Turkish Daily News.



Anonymous said…
For anyone interested in finding out what the self-adoring Mr Oktar looks like, go to this bio page on his website and scroll down (and down, and down...)
Anonymous said…

i know that guy!!

he owes me money!!
Anonymous said…
I have read the Atlas of Creation and seen the great piece of work against evolution.

There is no need to judge someone according to what the media says about him. You have to make your own decision after having in depth information about that person's views.

So, I would suggest that you encounter his works at and then comment on his personality or world vision.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for your post, Many other journalist/blogger have been invited in similar way.
Anonymous said…
Stephen. Just tell us why you escaped from Adnan Oktar?
Everybody knows that u are scared because you dont have anything to say. He has 300 books and you are scared of course. Dont cry. Darwinism is over. The struggle is won by Oktar..
Anonymous said…
HARUN YAHYA is the best scholar of this world.
Anonymous said…
Jamshed Moidu AKA Jamshed Kunnoth wrote:

"HARUN YAHYA is the best scholar of this world."

This highly dubious statement is to be expected by a clone cultist, which is what Jamshed is.
If you are so certain, Jamshed, in your assertion then please provide us with evidence because Adnan Oktar isn't exactly smelling of roses at the moment, seeing as he is in prison.

Seda Aral
Anonymous said…
This is how good a scholar this creationist nitwit really is:

Abu AFak
These slanders against Harun Yahya [Mr.Adnan Oktar] have no truth in them. All these false claims and imputations have been precisely replied here:

Certain circles slander Harun Yahya as he has intellectually defeated Darwinism and materialism worldwide. Those circles who were alarmed with the sincere works of Harun Yahya and who found that they cannot intellectually opppose Harun put up slanders and baseless accusations against him. But all these ultimately works against themselves.

Harun Yahya’s influence is growing more and more. Truth will always vanish falsehood.

All people here can read Harun Yahya’s biography from here:
With the information they contain, their wise language and esthetic design, Adnan Oktar's books have a wide global impact. These works enjoy an enormous readership in many countries of the world, from the USA to Indonesia, from South Africa to Russia, from China to Australia and from Nigeria to Canada. Works dealing with the moral values of the Qur’an, the Sunna of our Prophet (saas) and the signs leading to faith are instrumental in many people become believers or growing in faith. Books about world politics or freemasonry, on the other hand, change many people’s way of looking at the world and allow them to learn the truth behind many events. Adnan Oktar's books concerning the scientific collapse of Darwinism are among those that have the most powerful impact of all. All these books elicit major responses worldwide and lift the mask of Darwinism in a great many countries, Turkey in particular.
Anonymous said…
I see that Silentside has posted some of his feverish fantasy of Harun Yahoo's utter supremacy.
Silentside, I pity you. You lack any shred of credibility, evidence, or rationality.
Evolution is still here, and the impact of Harloon Yaboo's books is that of an gnat against a juggernaut.


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