This is an excellent video by someone who has put time and effort into exposing a typical bit of Discovery Institute propaganda.
(Published in Faith and Philosophy 2011. Volume 28, Issue 2, April 2011. Stephen Law. Pages 129-151) EVIDENCE, MIRACLES AND THE EXISTENCE OF JESUS Stephen Law Abstract The vast majority of Biblical historians believe there is evidence sufficient to place Jesus’ existence beyond reasonable doubt. Many believe the New Testament documents alone suffice firmly to establish Jesus as an actual, historical figure. I question these views. In particular, I argue (i) that the three most popular criteria by which various non-miraculous New Testament claims made about Jesus are supposedly corroborated are not sufficient, either singly or jointly, to place his existence beyond reasonable doubt, and (ii) that a prima facie plausible principle concerning how evidence should be assessed – a principle I call the contamination principle – entails that, given the large proportion of uncorroborated miracle claims made about Jesus in the New Testament documents, we should, in the absence of indepen...
Still insignificant, of course, compared to the number of scientists who accept evolution...
It's also interesting to note that the "Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth" list has almost double the amount of signatures.
Old classics like that will never die, because creationists will always lie.
As a philosopher would you have any idea why those people are always doing things like this? They themselves believe in ID so why do they lie so much about it?