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Something down the bottom of the garden...

Thanks to Fortean Times. P.S. NOT filmed by me. Just for your amusement....


If it's not a fake (I think it is), I reckon two mating dragonflies.
riotthill said…
My goodness it really looks like spring where you've filmed this Stephen. In Central Ontario, we still have a foot and a half of snow, we're 2-3 weeks away from maple syrup season.

I agree with Fergus, it might be mating dragonflies. We have many types on our property, ranging in size from 3/4" to as big as 4", in colour from leaf green, dark red to brilliant royal blue. They eat those pesky biting insects so we consider them our friends.
Stephen Law said…
Hi - just to clarify I didn't film it. I am sure it's a fake. I just found it amusing....
Paul Syms said…

Four possible explanations:

1. Occasionally you get insects that have extra body parts, such as five-winged butterflies; could this one have two abdomena? I've not heard of it, but I guess it's possible.

2. Mating - not unless they've just finished. Dragonflies mate one on top of the other, with the tips of their abdomena grasping each other at the tips to make a loop. It also appears to have only four wings, whereas a mating pair should appear to have eight at some stage.

3. Image manipulation: there are few frames that are actually clear enough to see what it is! Coindidence? I think not! (Definitely a conspiracy.)

4. The first ever photographic evidence of a real fairy ...

Funny how nobody who sees anything really unusual is a half-decent photographer! We should teach basic photography to everyone at school, so that when something odd happens, we get evidence that can be analysed ...

(I used to be an entomologist once ...)
Anonymous said…
The unconvincing sound-effects told me it was fake straight away.
Stephen Law said…
Hi riothill - the weather is like that here right now. That's because, despite being on same latitude as Toronto (I believe), we have the gulf stream to warm us up (for now).
riotthill said…
I think I like Paul Syms answer (1st ever photo...) best --- now, if we all promise to believe in fairies, maybe one of them will bring the gulf stream affects to Ontario and we can enjoy your lovely mild weather.
Unknown said…
That would be very entertaining post like this.......

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Anonymous said…
Two mating dragonflies seems the most accurate description to far.
Unknown said…
If anyone finds this interesting go rent the movie "Pan's Labyrinth". All the dialogue is in spanish with subtitles but it's a must see film.

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